Watching Flax Grow

Watching flax grow is like watching time…. Very Very Slowly. I waited and waited for the stalks to reach upwards, and when they did I waited for the flowers… One came, then another. But then they were gone. I thought some one had picked them, after all someone let their dog run through and trample them. I know this because there was a rather large deposit next to my define plot of flowers…Grr...

I don’t really know much about flax, except for that it is one of the oldest fibres ever found, more commonly known as linen! That it was once a wild flower that became domesticated and harvested for the fibres, then its nutritional value. So I felt like I had made a tiny discovery when I learned from observation that each morning the flowers bloom and then fall off at night. I am going to try and get pictures of this soon. It’s kinda like magic, everyday more and more flowers fill out the plot and more and more petals make a carpet!